2023 East TN Regional Spring Conference
2023 East TN Regional Spring Conference
Time and Date: Saturday, March 25th (9:00am to 4:30pm)
Location: The University of Tennessee Arts and Architecture Building
1715 Volunteer Blvd, Knoxville, TN 37996
Parking: Free Parking behind Art and Architecture/Music Building (Lot S23)
9:00- 9:15 / arrival + coffee/tea/snack bar and chat
9:15 - 9:25 / opening remarks + announcements (Cheryl)
9:30 - 12:30 / 1 st half of all day workshop (3 hours)
12:30 - 1:05 / lunch (via Good Golly Tamale or BYOBag + coffee/tea/snack bar)
1:10 - 4:10 / 2 nd half of all day workshop (3 hours)
4:15 - 4:30 / project share + closing remarks (Jillian)
After 4:30. / clean up + optional post-conference meet up. location TBD
Lunch Option: Conference participants will either need to bring their own lunch OR they have
the option for catered lunch for an additional charge of $12 from Good Golly Tamale. Those
who elect for catered lunch will need to choose 2 of the lunch options (mix and match or 2 of
the same.)