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Art History Cubes

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Art History Cubes

from $0.00

Join us for the second workshop of our virtual workshop series featuring, Jen Snyder, Associate Professor at Austin Peay State University! Jen will walk participants through the creation of an Art History Cube project containing information about the artist, Andy Warhol, and a recreation of his masterworks. Participants will be able to choose an artist to include in their own projects, and will receive a video recording, lesson plan, template for the cube, and a certificate of participation!

Presenter: Jen Snyder

Date: June 21, 2022

Time: 10am CST/11am EST

Duration: 1 hour

Materials Needed: poster-board, sharpie, colored pencil/acrylic paint/markers, glue stick, construction paper

Cost: Free for members, $10 for not-yet-members

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*** Please note: To register, you will have to input a credit card at checkout even if your total is $0.00. This step is required to finalize your registration. If your total is $0.00, you will NOT be charged and your credit card information is NOT stored. Thank you for your understanding***

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