Tennessee Art Education Association Annual Awards

You’ve completed all of your end-of-the-year tasks and you’re ready to start your summer break, but there’s one more thing to do . . . .  Nominate a fellow art teacher for an award!

Do you know an outstanding art teacher who is making a difference in their school and in their students’ lives?  I bet you know a few of them.

Each year, the Tennessee Art Education Association has the great pleasure of recognizing outstanding art educators from across the state, in a variety of categories.  These amazing teachers exemplify the qualities and standards of what it means to be a great art educator, going above-and-beyond for their students. 

However, to receive one of these well-deserved awards, they must be nominated, and that’s where you come in!  These outstanding teachers need YOU to nominate them so that TAEA can give them the recognition that they deserve. 

Please consider nominating one or more of your peers, mentors, or mentees by sending in your nominations by July 10, 2017 to TAEA Awards Chair – Kathy Dumlao, kathy.dumlao@brooksmuseum.org.

To nominate a great art educator for an award, please submit:

1)         A nomination letter, explaining why this person is a good candidate for an award.  Please keep in mind that this letter and the accompanying nomination form are what we use to write a description of your nominee.  So please be sure to include as much detail as possible so that the write-up can properly reflect how terrific your nominee is!

2)        The NAEA Nomination Form and Vita for the nominee.*

To download the Nomination form and Vita form, please visit


The Vita form is where you list all the amazing things that this teacher has done.

You can ask your nominee to send you their resume, or you can ask them to fill out this

part on their own.

3)        A digital photo of the nominee

A high-resolution  jpeg is preferred because if your nominee wins, we’ll use this photo in the

awards program booklet.


*Nominees must be a member of TAEA.


Categories for nomination are:

Tennessee Art Educator of the Year

West Region Art Educator of the Year

Middle Region Art Educator of the Year

East Region Art Educator of the Year

Elementary Art Educator of the Year

Middle Level Art Educator of the Year

Secondary Art Educator of the Year

Higher Education Art Educator of the Year

Supervision Art Educator of the Year

Administration Art Educator of the Year

Museum Art Educator of the Year

Special Needs Art Educator of the Year

First Year Educator of the Year

Retired Art Educator of the Year

National Art Honor Society Sponsor of the Year

Student Chapter Sponsor of the Year

Higher Education Student Achievement Award

Distinguished Service within the Profession

Rising Stars Secondary Recognition Program

Friend of TAEA (only award available to non-members)