Workshop Spotlight: Inner Workings of Monotype


Messy artists beware! Printmaking is one art form that requires a little patience and cleanliness. You might be messy but your work won't be!  

This two-day workshop will cover the basics of monotype and its transfer processes. We will learn about ink and the grease content as well as modification and treatment of the oil base ink. On day one we will be focusing on treatment of paper and transparency and on the second day, we will be working with high contrast and opaque color printing. All materials will be supplied

Koichi Yamamoto is an artist who merges traditional and contemporary techniques so as to develop unique and innovative approaches to the language of printmaking. His prints explore issues of the sublime, memory, and atmosphere. Koichi has worked at many scales, from small and meticulously engraved copper plates to large monotypes.

Koichi has exhibited internationally. He has taught at Utah State University and the University of Delaware. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. His most recent sabbatical research has been working with bamboo from Kauai Island in Hawaii and making numerous kites at Joshua Tree National Park as an Artist in Residency. He lately produced a set of prints at an artist residency in Barcelona, Spain.